
Shading with colored pencils

Everyone that saw the Sex and the City movie will recognize this quote. It has single-handedly incorporated the phrase "coloring" (which if you don't know is a euphemism for s_x) into the fab five's vocab and we've used it as our "code word" ever since.

One of the fabulous ones had quite the interesting coloring experience this weekend, well actually she said it shouldn't count as coloring but more like "shading with colored pencils." Ouch that's gotta hurt lol. 

It was one of those encounters that had a lot of build up. This person has been around for a while and has popped in and out out the scene. There has always been chemistry and so finally this weekend it happened. It was time to tap into that box of crayons and use every shade and color inside and outside the lines and well the coloring ended up being shading and she said with colored pencils.

I think we all died silently when she said that. That has to be the worst thing ever. You have this great experience built in your head and then it happens and you are mad that you put in all that effort. We are trying to convince her to give him a second chance since this happened after a night where alcohol was involved. But the first experience is pretty much ruined.

A second sober chance may help with the "shading" portion but the fact that she called it a colored pencil *flatline*. Welp you can't really change size but maybe the movement will be better the next time which will enhance the overall experience *shrug*.

I think the kicker of this entire experience was he called her with the dreaded aftermath question and statement of "so how was it, it was great for me." *Blank Stare*

How exactly do you tell someone that they don't even count as coloring but shading??? That's gotta be tough on the ego.


Put A Ring On It

So yesterday I went on a "date" with what I thought was a really nice guy. Actually I'll say he's an okay guy anyway halfway through the meal he casually mentions the fact that he has a wife and children and then went on about his conversation like he said he had a dog and cat.

So I paused for a moment like oh, ok. I needed to push rewind in my head because that isn't something you skim over and then go back to talking about politics/the weather etc. So I asked a few more questions about his wife and kids and he kinda acted like he had an attitude that I wanted to know.

The nerve of me *insert sarcasm*.

But I continued probing and he finally just said they don't live in the area yet but are moving here soon and when I asked about the kids ages he said "five and seven.... I think."

You think? I mean I knew how old my pets were and I didn't have anything to do with the procreation process so how do you "think" you know how old your kids are. Get the F out of here. So as the meal progresses (because it's no longer a date). I look at his hand and I'm like there is no sign of a ring, not even a tan line no indentation nothing.

Maybe I'm old fashioned but for me that is the one sign to back away. Had I known he had a wife AND children I wouldn't have even been there in the first place. I'm all for keeping families together and respecting other peoples relationships and I'm actually upset that I was even put in that position.

Shortly after that I said I had a meeting to head to and wrapped up the meal. I tried to pay my half and he wouldn't let me and with the quickness I left out of the restaurant.

I was sooo annoyed and upset about a situation that EASILY could have been avoided had he just have said uhh I'm married or wore a ring.

I've been in too many situations where I've seen a guy do "the ring trick" and slide that sacred band in his pocket to try and play off his life time commitment for a cheap thrill. So not cute.As an adult we have to accept our responsibilities and if being married happens to be one of them then own it. My mom always used to tell me don't pretend to be something you are not and if that happens to be single then I need you to man up/woman up and put a ring on it.

Show respect for yourself and your partner and also the person that you are dragging into this foolishness.

Online Dating

I think it's the wave of the future. I say that jokingly but I think people are finally starting to accept that it is not as "creepy" and "weird" as people have made it to be in the past. I mean it's actually rather simplistic and more effective if you ask my opinion.

Boy and girl sign up for a website. Boy and girl put in what they "think" they want in a mate. A "match" occurs and either he sees her or she sees him and someone winks at, tags, emails, or IM's the person and conversation begins.

Usually people are on their best behavior in this setting and conversing you get a chance to talk to them where there is no strain AND you are relaxed ... did I mention you get to do this from the comforts of you own home. To me that is perfection.

I'm not saying online dating should be the only means to meet people because I think interpersonal communication and interaction are key as humans but I think if you need an boost in your dating life or a way to kind of step outside the box or if you are a busy professional (such as myself), then trying unconventional methods are always a good option. I mean what is there to lose? You meet someone you get a meal and if it works it works... if not next.

Why is that so different from dealing with the guy you met at the club who noticed you for your physicalities, or the guy in the grocery store that noticed your smile, or the guy at the networking event that liked the way you presented yourself. Aren't you doing all of those same things online? But just buying some more time before meeting one on one and getting to read his bio and what he thinks about himself (because online dating is really about self promotion and how good you can pitch yourself too).

I'm all about dating, by any means necessary. Do what you have to do to have fun, meet new people and find the right person for you.

Some of the girls on here are going to try it out. We'll let you know how this goes...